Send us your feedback

Liam A., Brisbane
Took half a Cenforce 100. Had a hard-on all night. Needed a cold shower in the morning!

Ethan H., Danver, CO
last week
Viagra is weak, Cenforce 200 owns it! Long hours of effectiveness and my partner had the look of being utterly impressed. Will definitely recommend it to anyone having problems with getting it up!

Oliver E., Gold Coast
last week
Spent a whole night and day with Cenforce 100 mg. Great for special occasions!

Mason S., Nashville, TN
last week
Roommate's recommendation was to take Cenforce 200 in half. My expectations were exceeded to say the least, but the side effects like headache the next morning were there, too. All things considered, I am giving this product 4 stars.

Jackson S., Albuquerque, NM
2 weeks ago
Used sildenafil 100 mg for years, great for fun times. Lasts at least 4-6 hours. I do not always take the whole pill but recently my problems with health got more complicated so I am taking Cenforce 150 mg – the benefits are real!

Aiden Z., Balloch
2 weeks ago
Cenforce is waaay better than Viagra. Hard-ons that last for as long as I want them too, and it is so easy to recover my energy. I feel like my sex life is only beginning again, and mind you, I am in my late 50s, such a fantastic makeover!

Jack B., Sydney
2 weeks ago
Switched to sildenafil, forgot about any problems or qualms associated with impotence. My marriage problems seem to have gone away on their own once we fixed this thing in the bedroom department. Cenfroce is awesome when you really need it!

Caleb S., Raleigh, NC
2 weeks ago
Using Cenforce 200 mg occasionally as a booster. Reliable with no negative effects, but discuss the use of the pill with a licensed doctor would be my recommendation.

Luca G., Modena
over a month ago
Regular sildenafil use, noticeable positive effects even without taking it. I know that this is not how this stuff works, but I seem to experience some sort of accumulative effect. Been buying Cenforce on repeat for more than half a year now. I find that it offers the best price and quality combo.

Nikolai L., Stavanger
over a month ago
Cenfroce works well, harder erections, persistent effect for a quite a few hours. As far as the side effects go, I do notice some changes in my color perception. First I thought I was imagining it but no, seeing the world in blue! Freaked out but then did some research and turns out it’s a natural thing when sildenafil blocks the substance it’s supposed to block to make it all work. This effect is rather short lived so there’s that, can say it’s nothing compared to the bang for the buck *wink wink* me and my missy are having with Cenforce!

Emil M., Rhode-Saint-Genèse
over a month ago
Cenforce 150 mg, best for hard erections. Works easily even hours after its effects were supposed to wear off! I appreciated the smooth delivery, thank you!

Pierre Y., Brisbane
over a month ago
I am as happy with Cenforce effects as a customer can be, better than Viagra, lasts longer. I am taking Cenforce 150 mg, so could be a direct connection with the higher dose.

Rune B., Copenhagen
over a month ago
Used Cenforce 200, great effect with half a tablet. No need to plan too much. The experience on the whole is more laidback than one initially thinks. My partner was none the wiser but she had two orgasms before I was done!